I’m delighted to now be an affiliate of Oracy Cambridge.
Their helpful resources for teachers are at: https://oracycambridge.org/resources/
Check out their handy Talk Tally which gets pupils listening closely and thinking about what makes a group discussion productive (excerpt shown below).

A chance for you and a colleague to win a copy of 100 Ideas: Oracy. Entries closed 2nd January 2025
Providing talk prompts to students can increase the quality of partner talk
Using an unexpected event as a P4C stimulus
An inspiring and practical article that will help you improve talk for learning
Why giving out ‘talking objects’ is worth the hassle
A book exploring another helpful structure to promote high-quality talk
How one Salford teacher has improved oracy in her classroom using The Volumiser!
More useful resources, including a Talk Tally to get pupils listening closely