Recently, I’ve been reflecting a lot about participation systems for classroom talk. Here are some do’s and don’ts that I strongly recommend when it comes to participation in whole-class learning:
imply that you want a volunteer to respond to your question, and then choose a pupil who didn’t raise their hand.
say, “Am I going to have to pick on someone?” if no-one puts up their hand to offer a response.
Being chosen to speak to the class shouldn’t feel like a punishment!
Create clear and transparent participation systems. Say things like:
No hands up now, I’m going to be choosing some of you to find out what you are thinking.
You have 30 seconds to think and jot. Then I’m going to select someone to respond by picking a lolly stick.
Discuss the paragraph with your partner for one minute. I expect you all to be ready to say three key words if I ask you.

In other words, demonstrate an expectation that everyone will contribute, and set them up for success. Persist with this, and it will become the norm in your classroom.
“People will speak if they’re prompted.”
The importance of positive, transparent systems for deciding who responds
What will happen when you remove the fear of being wrong?
Three essential ingredients to ensure pupils have the confidence to speak in front of their peers
Lolly sticks are a really simple way to randomly select children, but like anything they need to be used properly.
Pupil Voice is an important part of my Talk Audits; here are some recent responses when I asked Key Stage 2 children their opinions about Hands Up…