“It’s really helped develop their talk.”
“It focuses them on listening and turn-taking. ”
“P4C massively helps with communication skills. It gets them talking.”
“It’s calm to teach. A moment to all come together. ”
“All the children are engaged. It‘s accessible to all. ”
“It gives children a voice.”
Teachers’ reactions after starting Philosophy for Children with their classes
Pupils and teachers talk about how Philosophy for Children enhances teaching and learning
If you’re not yet doing P4C – this video will convince you. If you are, it will convince you to do more.
Starting with simple/fun questions in Early Years helps children develop the skills to consider deeper ('more philosophical') questions over time.
Over the past few months I’ve been asking teachers whether they think P4C has changed them.
I’ve been working with a group of Manchester teachers to discover how to optimise P4C in the teaching and learning of English. It’s been lovely to hear from pupils and teachers about some really positive experiences.
After a term of working with me on Productive Talk, I asked teachers what the impact has been on their classes.