Remember that well-known/traditional tales can provide a great stimulus for talk and Philosophy for Children.
For example, Goldilocks and the Three Bears might prompt thinking around all sorts of concepts including exploring, risk and obedience.
One technique that can help children develop questions from the stimulus is giving them some question stems, as shown in the image. You can find a list of useful P4C question stems on my website at
Ways to keep everyone engaged and develop the community of enquiry
A detailed description including building, helping, sharing and working together
How to start a question, and think about whether or not it’s philosophical
How do they want to behave to become great 4C thinkers?
Reminders from six-year-olds about some of the benefits of P4C
Show your pupils that you are trying to understand their thinking
Get your pupils thinking and talking about resilience, barriers, beauty and more
Pupils feel that P4C helps them with everything from relationships to confidence to staying calm