Is it okay to throw soup? P4C stimulus

You probably heard about the climate activists who threw soup on a Van Gogh painting. Here’s a link to the video, which you could use as a Philosophy for Children stimulus:

Philosophical concepts include protest, damage, property, law, activism, climate change, risk, value and art.

Here are a few thoughts from some nine-year-olds in Manchester:

  • I thought it was wrong to destroy the painting because I love art.

  • It was right. The painting could be fixed; people’s lives are more important.

  • It was wrong because the painting is precious, but they were doing it for human rights.

  • If they didn’t do that, they wouldn’t have got attention, but it was wrong too.

  • It was a good thing, because they did it for the right reasons.

I wonder what your students think.

Child's writing: My final thought is that it was wrong and right because it is ok to throw soup over a painting for millions of people suffering but it is also bad because the painting is nothing to do with it.
Child's writing: I think it's right and wrong because you can't destroy something precious for your message