Follow us on believe that the easiest way to change people's behaviour for the better is by making it fun to do. We ca...
This short video is a great provocation. It will get your pupils thinking about how we might be persuaded to sometimes choose a healthier option.
Questions which could come from this stimulus include the following:
Is it ok to be lazy?
Is fun the most powerful motivation that exists?
Is creativity more important than efficiency?
How could we engage people to do more things that are good for them?

Let me know what your pupils come up with!
Get your class thinking about fairness, teamwork, competition and more
Use talking points to get students thinking and talking about a painting
Get your pupils thinking and talking about resilience, barriers, beauty and more
Does it matter if UK children use words and accents from the USA?
A fun picture book which can provoke big thinking
What will your class make of these contrasting images of children’s lives around the world?
Could preventing some children from having best friends help others?
Get your pupils thinking about the rights and wrongs of activism
Over 200 guides to help you do philosophy with children